AG Cultural Contacts


Paul Steele
Junction Arts
Springwell House
Newbold Road
S41 7PB
Tel: 01246 209219

Vice Chairperson

No one currently in position


Jemma Burton
Junction Arts
Springwell House
Newbold Road
S41 7PB
Tel: 01246 209219

AG Housing, Environment, Tourism and Culture

2020 Vision To increase the awareness of and create opportunities to celebrate, share, participate, express and experience cultural activities in and around our district.

The top three priorities for 2016/17 are:

  • To improve information sharing and promotional cultural activity
  • Develop the local cultural offer
  • Continue to produce an events brochure bi-annually to inform residents of Bolsover District of cultural activity, events and festivals.

Additional info.

2019 Meetings and Minutes 

Monday 8th April 

Monday 15th July

Monday 14th October 

AG Cultural Images

ESG / Commissioning Group

Technical Group


£3million of the Local Authority’s Working Neighbourhoods Fund (WNF) for the period 2008-11 has been allocated to Bolsover Partnership to identify measures and commission activities that aim to prevent the need for individuals to be in receipt of benefits or become unemployed.

Bolsover Partnership set up a Technical Group comprising members from across the Partnership to make technical decisions about the commissioning and approval of initiatives.  The Group reports directly to the Executive Board for ratification.

The Technical Group has three main functions:

  • to provide advice on commissioning activities in order to meet the priorities of Bolsover Partnership
  • to make technical decisions for the approval process in relation to commissioned activity and recommend projects for WNF funding
  • to monitor proposed expenditure and recommend action as appropriate

More information about the Technical Group can be found in its Terms of Reference.